Tommy Frank Chapman
Home Council: | Port Neches No. 413 | |
Year Served: | 2008 |
Tommy Frank Chapman was born January 19, 1962 in Port Arthur, Texas to Edward E. Chapman, Sr. and Anna Y. Chapman. He married Kathy Swearingen on May 10, 1985.
Tommy and Kathy are the parents of two children: Katie and Chance Chapman. The Chapmans are members of Hillcrest Baptist Church in Nederland, Texas. Following his graduation from Nederland High School in 1980 Tommy attended McNeese State University in Lake Charles, Louisiana and Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas.
Tommy went to work for the Jefferson County Sheriff Department in 1985. He has earned a Master’s Certificate from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education.
Tommy was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on May 10, 1983 in Nederland Lodge No. 1368. He served as Worshipful Master of Nederland Lodge in 1990-1991. Tommy was presented with the Golden Trowel Award for Exceptional Service by Nederland Lodge in 2002. Tommy served as District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District No. 26-A in 1995. He served on the Grand Lodge Committee on Petitions in 1992 and has been serving on the Grand Lodge Youth Activities Committee since 2005 and is serving as Chairman in 2008. Tommy served as Grand Master Conference Chairman in 2003. He served as Area Coordinator for the Grand Master in 2006. He also has served as Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Benin near the Grand Lodge of Texas since 2006. Tommy was appointed to the Texas Masonic Youth Foundation in 2007 and serves on the Grants Committee.
Tommy was exalted in the Port Neches Chapter #436, Royal Arch Masons and served as High Priest in 1992-1993. He received the Order of High Priesthood in 1992. Tommy served on the Grand Chapter Credentials Committee in 1995.He served as District Deputy Grand High Priest for Capitular District #5 in 2000. He also served on the Grand Chapter Committee on Grievances and Appeals in 2007 and is serving again in 2008.
Tommy was greeted in Port Neches Council #413, Royal and Select Masters and served as Thrice Illustrious Master in 1993-1994. He received the Order of the Silver Trowel in 1993. Tommy served as District Deputy Grand Master for Cryptic District #5 in 1997. He served on the Grand Council By-Laws Committee from 1999-2003 and served as Chairman of that committee in 2004. He served on the Grand Council Purposes and Policies Committee in 2005. Tommy served as Illustrious Grand Conductor of the Council in 2001 and again in 2005. He served as Special Deputy to the Grand Master in 2005. He has served the Grand Council as Grand Representative of the Grand Council of Portugal near the Grand Council of Texas since 2005. Tommy was elected Right Illustrious Grand Principal Conductor of the Work in 2005, Right Illustrious Deputy Grand Master in 2006, and Most Illustrious Grand Master of The Grand Council of Texas in 2007.
Tommy was knighted as a Knight Templar in Port Arthur Commandery #73 and is a dual member of Beaumont Commandery #38. He served as Commander of Beaumont Commandery in 2000. He was appointed to the Grand Commandery Dispensations and Charters Committee in 2001.
Tommy is a member and is serving as Junior General of the San Felipe Conclave Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine. He received the Red Cross of Constantine in 1998.
Tommy received the Knight of York Cross of Honor in 2001 and is a member of Thomas H. Ridout Priory #75. He received the Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests in 2006 and is a member of Resurrection Tabernacle No. XXI.
He became a member of Southeast Texas York Rite College in 2003.
Tommy is a member of the Galveston Scottish Rite Bodies. He is Degree Master of the 15th Degree and Assistant Degree Master of the 28th and 32nd Degree teams. He is on the Reunion Staff and works on several Degree teams. He served on the Scholarship and Membership Committees. He served as President of the Mid-South Jefferson County Club in 2000.
He has served on the Maundy Thursday and Re-Lighting of the Tapers teams since 1996.
Tommy served as Wise Master in 2003, Venerable Master in 2004, and Master of Kadosh in 2005. He served on the Executive Committee from 2003-2005. He is currently serving as Chancellor for Galveston Council Knights Kadosh.
He was honored with the Knight Commander Court of Honor in 1999 and was coroneted a Thirty-Third Degree Inspector General Honorary in 2003.
Tommy is a member of Nederland Chapter #1079 Order of the Eastern Star. He served as Worthy Patron in 1999-2000. He served on the Grand Chapter of Texas Masonic Centurion Committee in 1999-2000. He also served on the Grand Chapter of Texas Spring Fling Committee 2000-2001.
Tommy has served on the Advisory Board of Port Neches Assembly #159 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls since 2003. He received the Grand Cross of Colors Degree in 2001.
Tommy is a Life Member of DeMolay International. As an active DeMolay he served as Master Councilor of Nederland Chapter and was awarded the Past Master Councilor Meritorious Service Award. He also received the Representative DeMolay Award, Founders Membership Award, Blue Honor Key award, and the Lamp of Knowledge. He was knighted as a Sir Knight in the Houston Priory. He was elected and served as District Deputy State Master Councilor. He was also elected and served as South East Texas Area Master Councilor. He received the Degree of Chevalier in 1980.
Tommy has served as Chairman of the Advisory Council of Nederland Chapter Order of DeMolay since 1993. He has received the Legion of Honor, Cross of Honor, and Advisor’s Honor Key.