Past Grand Commander’s Profile

Unto God give the glory!

Dock Franklin Dixon

Spouse:   Lady Virginia
Home Commandery:   San Antonio No. 7
Year Served:   2009

2009 Officer Corps

Sir Knight Dock F. DixonRight Eminent Grand Commander
Sir Knight W. David MelearVery Eminent Deputy Grand Commander
Sir Knight Paul E. WunscheEminent Grand Generalissimo
Sir Knight H. David MooreEminent Grand Captain General
Sir Knight H. Bart HendersonEminent Grand Senior Warden
Sir Knight Robert M. LoflinEminent Grand Junior Warden
Sir Knight James K. DuncanEminent Grand Prelate
Sir Knight Jerry N. KirbyEminent Grand Treasurer
Sir Knight Loyd L. ChanceEminent Grand Recorder
Sir Knight Jerry L. PingleEminent Grand Standard Bearer
Sir Knight John C. ElkintonEminent Grand Sword Bearer
Sir Knight Jack M. Harper, IIEminent Grand Warder
Sir Knight Richard D. DossEminent Grand Sentinel

Masonic History


Dock was initiated as an EA in August 1977, passed to FC on 6 October 1977, and raised a MM on 1 December 1977, in Rising Star Lodge No. 429. He was elected and served as Junior Warden in 1980-81, Senior Warden in 1981-82, Worshipful Master in 1982-83. He became an Endowed member, received the Golden Trowel Award in 1999, DDGM 1986, Grand Lodge Committee on Resource and Special Assignments 2004-2006. Affiliated with Kerrville Lodge 697 in 2005, and Bandera Lodge 1123 in 2008.

Chapter of Royal Arch Masons

He was exalted a Royal Arch Mason in Kerrville Chapter No. 305 on 17 May 1986. High Priest 1991 and 5 more times; Order of High Priesthood 10 August 1991; DDGHP 1993; Cornerstone Award 23 July 2007; Grand Chapter Committee on Grievances and Appeals 2006. Council of Royal and Select Masters

Dock was greeted a Select Master in Kerrville Council No. 240 on 17 May 1986, TIM 1991-92, Order of the Silver Trowel 10 August 1991, Grand Council Committee on Credentials 2001-03, Grand Council History Committee 2007-08, DDGM of Grand Council 2007. Super Excellent Master Degree.

Commandery of Knights Templar

Knighted in San Antonio Commandery No. 7 on 17 May 1986, Served as Prelate 2006, Affiliated with Llano Commandery No. 54 in 1993, Commander in 1996 and1998, Prelate 2003-06, Charter member Knight Preceptor 1996, affiliated with Burnet Commandery No. 113 in 2003, Prelate 2003-06, Generalissimo 2009, Elected to the progressive Grand Commandery Line of Texas in April 2000 and currently serving as Grand Commander 2009-2010. York Rite College

Initiated 8 February 1992, Gold Honor Award 3 February 2000, Governor May 2004, Order of the Purple Cross and Associate Regent July 2006.

Scottish Rite

Initiated 26 May 1979, Endowed Member 2005, served as prelate in San Antonio Consistory for 2006 and 2007, elected orator of the Lodge of Perfection 2007, Junior Warden 2008, Senior Warden 2009. He received the 32nd Degree KCCH in November 2007, and serves monthly as Docent since 2006.

Other Masonic Affiliations

Alzafar Shrine 29 October 1983, Order of Quetzalcoatl 2006: Knight Masons Chapter 45, 1993. National Sojourners 1997, President Chapter 17, 2005, Alamo Camp Heroes of 76, 1999, Musician 2008: Texas Lodge of Research, associate Member 2001: Army Council 373, Allied Masonic Degrees 2006, currently Senior Warden: Texian Priory No.78, KYCH 1997, KYGCH 27 April 2009: St. Anthony Conclave , Red Cross of Constantine 1999, currently serving as Preceptor: Nazareth Tabernacle, HRAKTP 2007. Ye Commemorative order of St. Thomas of Acon, Chapel No. 54. Founding member, March 2006, currently serving as Deputy Marshal.