Jerry Lynn Pingle

Home Commandery: | Stamford No. 75 | |
Year Served: | 2015 |
2015 Officer Corps
Sir Knight Jerry Pingle | Right Eminent Grand Commander |
Sir Knight John C. Elkinton | Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander |
Sir Knight Jack M. Harper, II | Eminent Grand Generalissimo |
Sir Knight Richard D. Doss | Eminent Grand Captain General |
Sir Knight Clarence J. Laney | Eminent Grand Senior Warden |
Sir Knight Gary H. Freedman | Eminent Grand Junior Warden |
Sir Knight Judge Risley | Eminent Grand Prelate |
Sir Knight Thomas W. Snyder, PGC | Eminent Grand Treasurer |
Sir Knight Jerry N. Kirby, PGC | Eminent Grand Recorder |
Sir Knight Ronnie Wilson | Eminent Grand Standard Bearer |
Sir Knight Richard Jernigan | Eminent Grand Sword Bearer |
Sir Knight Tommy Chance Chapman | Eminent Grand Warder |
Sir Knight Justin Bauer | Eminent Grand Sentinel |
Masonic History:
Jerry was raised a Master Mason in Stamford Masonic Lodge No. 853 on April 25, 1980. He has served as Worshipful Master of said lodge in 1984, 1991, 1992, 2000. He has served this lodge in various capacities, but mainly as secretary-treasurer. Later said lodge had to consolidate with Anson Masonic Lodge No. 575 where he is now serving as treasurer. Jerry served as District Deputy Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas in 1994 and 2007. He became an endowed member in 1999. He also served the Grand Lodge of Texas as District Masonic Relations Officer from 1996-2001. He received the Golden Trowel Award in 1999. Jerry affiliated with Hamlin Masonic Lodge No. 958 where he served as Worshipful Master of said lodge in 1999. He also affiliated with Fisher Masonic Lodge No. 703 in Roby, Texas where he served as Worshipful Master and is currently serving as secretary of said lodge. Jerry also affiliated with Aspermont Masonic Lodge No. 1382 where he served as Worshipful Master and is now serving as Chaplain. Jerry is also a member in good standing with Tranquility Lodge No. 2000 where he served as Tiler during Hugh M. Smith’s tenure as Worshipful Master. He is also an associate member of Texas Lodge of Research.
York Rite Bodies:
Jerry was exalted to the sublime degree of Royal Arch Mason in Stamford Chapter No. 257 on April 27, 1982 which later consolidated with Hamlin Chapter No. 310 in 1990. Said chapter has recently changed its name to Big Country Chapter No. 310. He served as High Priest of said chapter for the years of 1984, 1985, and 1998. He is currently serving as secretary of said chapter. Jerry served the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas as District Deputy Grand High Priest for the years of 1987, 1997, 2005, and 2008. He is an endowed member of Big Country Chapter No. 310. He was appointed Grand Representative to Utah on 09-03-1996. Jerry was elevated and consecrated a High Priest of the Order of High Priesthood in 1992 where he served that body as Most Excellent Grand High Priest. Jerry affiliated with Roby Chapter No. 380 in 1999, and served as High Priest during the 2000 year. Jerry served the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas as Grand Marshal during the 2000 Capitular year. He received the Cornerstone Award in 2002.
Jerry was greeted a Royal and Select Master in Stamford Council No. 192 in 1982. Said council has recently changed its name to Big Country Council No. 192. He served as Thrice Illustrious Master in 1984 and 1985. Jerry served the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas as District Deputy Grand Master for the years of 1986, 1995, and 2008. Jerry received the Super Excellent Master’s degree in San Antonio, Texas in 1985. He is a member in good standing of the Order of the Silver Trowel. Jerry is also an endowed member of Big Country Council No. 192. Jerry affiliated with Roby Council No. 316, and served as Thrice Illustrious Master in 2001. He received the Cryptic Triangle Award from Big Country Council No. 192.
Jerry was knighted a Knight Templar in Stamford Commandery No. 75 in 10-14-1982. He served as Commander for said Commandery in 1986, 1987, 1991, and 1992. He is an endowed member of said Commandery. He is also a Knight Templar Eye Foundation Life Sponsor since 1986. Jerry served the Grand Commandery of Texas on various committees including : membership and templar instruction. He has, and is still, serving as instructor for Stamford Commandery No. 75. He was appointed to serve as Grand Prelate of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas in April, 2002. Jerry was elected to the Grand Commandery line and serve that line until he was elevated to the rank and title of Grand Commander during the Grand Conclave held in San Marcos, Texas April 20, 2015.
Jerry served in various offices wihin Stamford Commandery, and is now serving as Commander of said Commandery. Jerry received the Excalibur Award in 2003 from Stamford Commandery No. 75. This award is presented to a sir knight for his outstanding and devoted service to Templar Masonry. Jerry affiliated as a plural member with Sweetwater Commandery No. 89 where he served that Commandery as Commander for the 2002, 2003 Templar year. He became an Eye Foundation Life Sponsor of Sweetwater Commandery No. 89 on 03-31-1993. Jerry affiliated as a plural member with Abilene Commandery No. 27 where he served as Commander and also Recorder for several years. Jerry was once again honored with the Excalibur Award in 2006 from Sweetwater Commandery No. 89. Jerry is also the appointed instructor for Sweetwater Commandery No. 89.
Shrine Membership:
Jerry became a Noble of Suez Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. on 07-27-1985. He joined the Abilene Shrine Club in 1985, and served as President of said club in 1988. He joined Suez Shrine Klowns in 1985, and served as President of said body in 1995 and 1996. Jerry is a member in good standing of Clowns of America and the International Shrine Clowns Association and the Texas Shrine Clowns Association. He served the Texas Shrine Clowns Association as Chaplain during the year of 1996-1997. Jerry has served Suez Temple as Chaplain and Marshal. Jerry feels that making people smile and laugh and just feel good is important.
Other Appendant Bodies:
Jerry was elected to receive the Knight York Cross of Honor in Texas Priory No. 23. He is a past prior of said body serving in 2007. Jerry was a charter member of the 1996 class of Knights Preceptor, and served the officer’s line until reaching the head of said body. Jerry was ordained a Knight Priest of Nazareth Tabernacle No. XXXIV in San Angelo, Texas on 12-01-2001. He will be elevated to the head of said body in December, 2015. Jerry became a member of Llano Estacado Conclave Red Cross of Constantine, and served as Puissant Sovereign of said body in 2009. He serves that conclave on various degree teams, and is currently serving as Degree Team Master/Coordinator.
Jerry became a charter member of the Libertas Council No. 83 Knight Masons in Odessa, Texas in 2004. He served on various degree teams for that council. Jerry is also an endowed member of said council. Jerry affiliated as a plural member/an charter member of J. M. Willison Council No. 92 where he is pasted in that body. He became a charter member of the West Texas Council No. 438 of the Allied Masonic Degrees in Odessa, Texas in 2005. Jerry affiliated as a plural member/an charter member of A. E. Killion Council No. 452 A.M.D. He is a Past Sovereign of said body.
Jerry is a member in good standing of the Royal Order of Scotland.
Jerry was invested with the order of Knight of York in Heart of Texas York Rite College No. 128, and served as Governor in 1999. He received the Order of the Purple Cross and was made an Associate Regent of the Sovereign College in North Carolina. He presently serves as treasurer of said college, and is the Degree Master for the three degrees. He serves in the degrees as Governor and Prince Edwin. He hold a prepaid life membership within the college.
Order of the Eastern Star:
Jerry was initiated into Queen Esther Chapter No. 833 Order of the Eastern Star during the 1994-1995 year. He has served as Past Patron for said Chapter for the years of 1998-99, 2000-01, 2004-05, 2008-09, and will serve as Worthy Patron for the year 2015-16. He has served on several committees for the Grand Chapter, and does hold an A certificate in the esoteric work. He is currently a member in good standing of the Past Matrons and Past Patrons of West Texas.
Scottish Rite:
Jerry received the Scottish Rite degrees in Waco, Texas in 1989. He is a member of the Waco Valley Scottish Rite Bodies. He served as President of the Big Country Scottish Rite Club in Abilene, Texas in 1996 and 2008. Jerry is an active worker on several degree teams including the 4th, 14th, 18th, 30th, and 32nd degrees. He became an endowed member of Waco Scottish Rite Bodies on 06-12-1997. He was also an endowed member of the Big Country Scottish Rite Club. He affiliated as a plural member with Tri-County Scottish Rite Club. Jerry was invested with the rank and decoration of Knight Commander Court of Honor from the Waco Scottish Rite Bodies in 1999, and was later coronated a 33 Degree I.G.H. in 2005. He served as Venerable Master of Kadosh during the Masonic year of 2004. Jerry affiliated as a plural member with Lubbock Valley Scottish Rite Bodies. He holds an endowed membership with this said valley as well.
Jerry is a member in good standing in some various fun related degrees consisting of the Order of the Yellow Dog, Concho Stables No. 46 Ancient Order of Camel Herders, Clan No. 135 Suez Hillbillys, and the Order of the Bath.
Jerry can be said to be a very active person within his church, community, and Masonic fields. He is dedicated to all causes, and serves them well. Those who speak about Jerry say that he strives to be the servant that God spoke of within the Holy Scriptures. People say that he can always be counted upon to aid and support his brothers and sisters in whatever area of life. He is a true caregiver, and loves to help in various capacities. His finally serves as a volunteer chaplain at the local hospital and is also currently serving as a volunteer chaplain for Hendrick Hospice Care.