Past Grand Commander’s Profile

Unto God give the glory!

Lawrence Eugene Tucker

Spouse:   Lady Judy
Home Commandery:   Park Place No. 106
Year Served:   2005

2005 Officer Corps

Sir Knight Lawrence E. TuckerRight Eminent Grand Commander
Sir Knight A. Glen McCandlessVery Eminent Deputy Grand Commander
Sir Knight Thomas W. SnyderEminent Grand Generalissimo
Sir Knight William E. MatyastikEminent Grand Captain General
Sir Knight Dock F. DixonEminent Grand Senior Warden
Sir Knight W. David MelearEminent Grand Junior Warden
Sir Knight Larry RavertEminent Grand Prelate
Sir Knight Jerry N. KirbyEminent Grand Treasurer
Sir Knight Loyd L. ChanceEminent Grand Recorder
Sir Knight Paul E. WunscheEminent Grand Standard Bearer
Sir Knight H. David MooreEminent Grand Sword Bearer
Sir Knight H. Bart HendersonEminent Grand Warder
Sir Knight Robert M. LoflinEminent Grand Sentinel


In the Symbolic Blue Lodge, Sir Knight Tucker was initiated, passed, and Raised in Sagemont Masonic Lodge No. 1426, Ancient Free &Accepted Masons, where he served as Worshipful Master. He has plural memberships in Park Place Masonic Lodge No. 1172, Jacques DeMolay Masonic Lodge No. 1390, and St. Albans Masonic Lodge No. 1455. He is a Past President of the Masters, Wardens, and Secretaries Association of the Thirtieth Masonic Districts of Texas. His service to the Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas includes: District Deputy Grand Master, Masonic District 30C, Membership Maintenance committee, Purposes and Policies Committee, Grand Master’s Conference Presenter, Assistant State Coordinator, State Coordinator and Chief of Staff, Grand Senior Deacon, Grand Marshal, Grand Tiler, and Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Puerto Rico near Texas.

In York Rite, Capitular Masonry, Sir Knight Tucker was Exalted in Park Place Chapter No.458, Royal Arch Mason, served as High Priest and Secretary, and was Consecrated in the Order of High Priesthood. His service to the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas includes: Credentials Committee, Printing Committee, Grievances and Appeals Committee, Purposes and Policies Committee, Area Conference Coordinator; Grand Orator, Grand Captain of the Host, Grand Master of the First Veil, District Deputy Grand High Priest, Capitular District 9, and Grand Representative of the Grand Chapter of Illinois near Texas.

In York Rite, Cryptic Masonry, Sir Knight Tucker was Greeted in Park Place Council No. 373, Royal and Select Masters, served as Thrice Illustrious Master and Recorder, and as President and Secretary-Treasurer of the Super Excellent Masters Association of the Fifth Cryptic Districts of Texas. He was received in the Order of the Silver Trowel and served as Thrice Illustrious Master of the Order of the Silver Trowel of Texas.

His service to the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas includes: Credentials Committee; Super Excellent Master Ad Hoc Committee; Jurisprudence Committee; Grand Steward, District Deputy Grand Master, Cryptic District 9; and Grand Representative of the Grand Council of England near Texas.

In York Rite Chivalric Masonry, Sir Knight Tucker was Knighted in Park Place Commandery No. 106, Knights Templar, served as Commander and Recorder, and is a dual member with Ruthven Commandery No. 2. He is a member of the Park Place Commandery Drill Team, where he served as President.

Additionally, he is a Charter member and Past Preceptor of Texas Chapter of The Sovereign Order of Knights Preceptor and National Secretary of The Sovereign Order of Knights Preceptor. He was Ordained a Knight Priest in Resurrection Tabernacle No. XXI, Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests, is currently serving as an officer in the advancing line, and is Grand Registrar of the Grand College of America, Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests.

His service to the Grand Commandery, Knights Templar of Texas, includes: Grand Commander’s Aide; Foreign Correspondence Committee, Templar Instruction Committee; and Grand Representative of the Grand Commandery of Indiana near Texas. He was elected Grand Sentinel in 1996 and served as Grand Commander in 2005-2006.

His service to the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America includes: 63rd Triennial Conclave Committee and Adjutant to the Most Eminent Grand Master, awarded Knight Commander of the Temple, appointed Office Administrator in 2006, named Acting Grand Recorder on January 1, 2006, and installed Grand Recorder of the Grand Encampment and awarded the Knight Grand Cross of the Temple on April 24, 2006.

In the York Rite College, Sir Knight Tucker was initiated into Texas York Rite College No. 14 and is a Charter Member of Gulf Coast York Rite College No. 106, where he served as Governor. He was elevated to the Rank of Associate Regent (Order of the Purple Cross of York) and served as President of the Council of Associate Regents. Further service to the York Rite Sovereign College of North America includes: Grand Herald, York Rite Progress and Promotion Committee, and Committee on Auditing.

Sir Knight Tucker is a Life Member of Texas Priory No. 23, Knights of the York Cross of Honour, and a Charter Life Member of Ridout Priory No. 75, where he served as Prior. He received the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the Valley of Houston, Orient of Texas; is Past Venerable Master of Kadosh of Houston Consistory and currently is serving as an officer in the advancing line of San Jacinto Lodge of Perfection; was invested with the Rank and Decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honour and Coroneted a 33′ Inspector General Honorary.

Created a Noble in Arabia Temple, Oasis of Houston, Desert of Texas, Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and served as Chairman of the Committee on Masonic Relations-Blue Lodges and member of the Past Masters Association of Arabia Temple. He also was initiated a Prophet in Chinar Grotto, Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, where he served as Treasurer.

In the invitational Masonic orders, he was installed in St. Anthony Conclave No. 50, Red Cross of Constantine, where he is currently serving as an officer in the advancing line; was received and admitted to VII Grade in Texas College, Masonic Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis, advanced to VII and IX Grades and currently serves as Secretary of Texas College; is a Charter Member of Nat Pace Council No. 46, Knight Masons Charter Excellent Chief of Anson Jones Council No. 47 Knight Masons, where he currently serves as Treasurer, and served on the Constitution Committee of Grand Council of Knight Masons of the United States of America and as Most Excellent Great Chief (2005-2006); he is a Charter Member of Sam Houston Council No. 275, Allied Masonic Degrees, where he served as Sovereign Master and currently serves as Treasurer, is a recipient of the Red Branch of Eri, and served on the Nominating Committee of the Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees of the United States of America; advanced and promoted a Knight Companion of the Royal Order of Scotland in the Provincial Grand Lodge of the United States of America; initiated in Trinity Chapel No. 12, Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon, serving as an officer in the advancing line, and a Charter Member of Lone Star Chapel No. 45, serving as an officer in the advancing line; initiated into Houston Chapter No. 513, National Sojourners.

His memberships in appendant Masonic orders include: initiated in Norma D. Allen Chapter No. 1050, Order of the Eastern Star, Member of Park Place Chapter No. 731, and dual member of Bluebell Chapter No. 856, where he served as Worthy Patron; Charter Member of Houston Court No. 2, Order of the Amaranth, where he served as Royal Patron and Treasurer; initiated in Tulsa Shrine No. 8, Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem (Tulsa, Oklahoma) and Charter Treasurer of The Cross of Texas Shrine No. 1; member of the Texas Lodge of Research and served as Senior Steward; Charter Member of the William M. Taylor Chapter of the Philalethes Society; Charter Member of the Scottish Rite Research Society; Charter Member of the South Carolina Masonic Research Society.

In the Masonic related youth orders he served on the Advisory Council of Bluebell Assembly, International Order of Rainbow for Girls, awarded the Grand Cross of Color, served as Promoter of Finance and Promoter of Fraternal Relations of Bethel Guardian Council of Bethel No. 2, International Order of Job’s Daughters; initiated in Park Place Chapter No. 1424, Order of DeMolay, served as Chapter Advisor and is currently on the Advisory Council of Houston (formerly St. John) Chapter; he is a holder of the degree of Chevalier, served as Commander in the East of the Gulf Coast Court of Chevaliers, is a Recipient of the DeMolay Legion of Honor, served as Dean of the Houston Preceptory, and is currently State Secretary of the Texas State Preceptory, DeMolay Legion of Honor; plus he is a recipient of the DeMolay Cross of Honor, is Director of Masonic Relations for the Texas DeMolay Association, and is a Deputy Member, International Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay.

Sir Knight Tucker was elected Right Eminent Grand Recorder of the Grand Encampment, Knights Templar, at the 63rd Triennial Conclave in Houston, Texas, August of 2006.

Elected Right Eminent Grand Recorder (2006-2009)