Phillip Crosby Tucker
Home Commandery: | Palestine No. 3 | |
Year Served: | 1864 | |
Born: | February 14th, 1826 | |
Died: | July 9th, 1894 |
1864 Officer Corps
Sir Knight Philip C. Tucker | Right Eminent Grand Commander |
Sir Knight Ben A. Botts | Very Eminent Deputy Grand Commander |
Sir Knight Robert M. Elgin | Eminent Grand Generalissimo |
Sir Knight J. W. Davenport | Eminent Grand Captain General |
Sir Knight W. B. Botts | Eminent Grand Senior Warden |
Sir Knight Richard Duglas | Eminent Grand Junior Warden |
Sir Knight N. B. Yard | Eminent Grand Prelate |
Sir Knight A. M. Gentry | Eminent Grand Treasurer |
Sir Knight Robert Brewster | Eminent Grand Recorder |
Sir Knight P. T. Clark | Eminent Grand Standard Bearer |
Sir Knight J. L. Briggs | Eminent Grand Sword Bearer |
Sir Knight David Marston | Eminent Grand Warder |
Sir Knight A. C. Crawford | Eminent Grand Sentinel |
Sir Knight E. Raven | Eminent Grand Herald |
Biography not available.
Texas mourns the death of Philip Crosby Tucker, Past Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas. He died of apoplexy in the city of Washington, D. C, July 9, 1894, at one o’clock p. M.
Companion Tucker was born in Vergennes, Vermont, February 14, 1826.
He was made a Mason in Dorchester Lodge of Vergennes, and was Past District Deputy Grand Master and Past Grand Secretary of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of his native state, and was made a Knight Templar in Burlington Commandery.
He went to Galveston, Texas, November, 1852, and affiliated with Harmony Lodge, No. 6, and was Worshipful Master of it for six years. He was also a member of Tucker Lodge, No 297; Past High Priest of San Felipe de Austin Chapter, No. I, li. A. M.; Past Eminent Commander of San Felipe de Ausiin Commandery, Knights Templar; Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Texas in 1869; Grand High Priest of Grand Royal Arch Charter of Texas in 1805 and 1866 and Grand Comman ler of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Texas in 1864, and was the Representative of several other Grand Bodies to those near Texas, including that of the Grand Chapter of Vermont.
In the A. & A. S. rile he had received the highest honors, being at the time of his death, Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of the Thirty-third Degree for the southern jurisdiction of the United States.
He was buried with Masonic honors in Galveston, Sunday morning, July 15th.
A Companion highly appreciated in his life and deeply mourned in his death, his loss will be greatly felt by that Jurisdiction.