Commandery Information

Unto God give the glory!

All information on the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas website is driven by data from Masonic Membership Solutions (MMS). If information on this page is outdated, missing, or otherwise incorrect, please contact the Recorder of your Commandery.

Bertrand du Guesclin Commandery № 14, K∴T∴

Bertrand du Guesclin Commandery № 14, Knights Templar, was chartered on Thursday, February 15th, 1877, and is stationed in the City of Corsicana, Navarro County, within Templar District № 5.

Meeting Information

3rd Monday at 7:00 pm

Contact Infomation

Recorder:Kenneth Colby Spicer
Phone Number:903-872-6905
Physical Address:201 N 15th St Corsicana, TX 75110-4535
Mailing Address:201 N 15th St Corsicana, TX 75110-4535

Officer Corps

OfficeSir KnightDate Installed
Commander Richard Saunders2018-01-01
Captain General James Person Hodge2018-01-01
Senior Warden Herman John Goodnight2018-01-01
Recorder Kenneth Colby Spicer2018-01-01
Sword Bearer John Howard Quarles2018-01-01
Warder Ervin Leslie Richards2016-01-01

Excalibur Award Recipients

The Excalibur Award is the highest honor that a local Commandery can award a Sir Knight. It is similar to the Golden Trowel Award for Masonic Lodges.

Living Recipients


In Memoriam

Past Commanders

These Sir Knights have the distinction of serving as Eminent Commander of our Commandery.

Living Past Commanders

The most recent data on this page is dated: February 5th, 2020, which was 4 years, 3 months, and 7 days ago.

Any information older than 13 months is considered outdated. Please contact your Recorder to have this information updated in MMS.