Grand Commander’s Message (July 2022)

Unto God give the glory!

Grand Commander’s Message (July 2022)

Greetings Sir Knights,

Happy birthday, Uncle Sam! Independence Day, the day our founders stated to the world that a new nation was born. A nation founded upon the principles that our lives are our own, not that of the realm; that our freedoms and liberties are founded upon the idea that each person is created by God and is given by Him the rights to live a free and happy life and that governments are only created to mediate the differences arriving from each person’s pursuit of their better future. As with any institution created and run by man, we have made mistakes, taken the wrong path at times, but the basic idea of freedom for all and responsibility for yourself continues to improve and be the shining example to the world. We are the fortunate few to be born in this great country and in this time. Today our people enjoy more freedoms than any other, we set our own destiny, chose our own path, and enjoy the fruits of our own labors. I am so grateful to have been blessed with this gift. Let us not stray from the original purposes of this country, let us continue to improve and grow and let us never cease to do our part to create a more perfect union. God bless all those that came before and contributed to the birth, defense, and growth of this great nation. God Bless the United States of America.

Thanks to a minor visit from the Covid adversary, I have had to take some time off from my travels. This has, however, afforded me more time to reflect on all my blessings as I have prepared this month’s message. All is well and I will soon be back to full strength and out visiting you again. My apologies to those I had to cancel, we will do our very best to get you back on the schedule.

In June things continued to go extremely well for your Grand Commandery. Knightings continue to take place across this state. The District Conclaves and Schools of Instruction have begun and are being well received. Your elected Grand Officers are doing an excellent job teaching the work, informing the Sir Knights, and building momentum and fellowship. Thank you, Eminent Sirs, for your work and for being the men you are.

I was pleased this month to visit many of you. I saw one Sir Knight stand up and express his gratitude to the Commandery for their support over the last two years. His sincerity for what his fellow Sir Knights did for him chokes me up just to think about it. I saw new Sir Knights so excited to be a part of this great Fraternity they could barely express themselves with words but the look in their eyes and crack in their voices said it all. I saw Sir Knights enjoying the fellowship they get from this Christian branch of Freemasonry. I had the honor to speak at several Commanderies and their reception of me and my staff humbled us and inspired us to do more, to work harder to ensure the success of Templar Masonry. Seeing and being a part of these things has given me new determination to continue to encourage all our members 1) to get out to other parts of the state when possible and see the great men that make up Texas Templar Masonry 2) to be grateful for having the opportunity to be a part of Templar Masonry that so few are privileged to join and 3) to continue to do what you do best, support your fellow Knights and Masons and give of yourself for the benefit of others.

The Knight Templar is the heart and soul of Freemasonry. We, the Knights Templar, are the select few. As the select, we dedicate ourselves to the service of others. It is our duty, our sacred oath. We protect those we can and aid all those in need of our assistance. We are the shining example of a Christian Warrior, defending the faith, helping the poor, protecting the innocent, and inspiring all others to attain a higher place. We are more than the capstone that tops the pyramid of masonry, we are the foundation stone. The rock upon which all else is built. We support the craft, and we are the crown jewel of the craft. Be proud of your position in masonry but remain a humble servant. It is hard to become a Knight Templar, but once achieved the rewards come in seeing others achieve their own goals. Work in, assist, aid and support the Blue Lodges, the Chapters and Councils, it is from their ranks that ours are filled.

Live a life of hope and gratitude. Each night before going to bed write down three things you are grateful for. They may be things that happened that day. Be sure to write them down. This will help cement them within your heart, help you lead a more grateful life. When you arise the next day, write down three things you are hopeful for. They can be anything you think of. Mine this morning: I hope today I test negative for covid, I hope today my wife continues to test negative, and I hope today I get all my work done. Yesterday I was grateful for getting covid after the creation of medications to treat it, grateful for having food to eat, grateful for friends that check on me. During the day, whisper or express to yourself hope and gratitude for others. Perhaps you see someone driving too fast, you may be hopeful they do not hurt themselves or others. You may see someone studying, be hopeful
that they pass whatever it is they are studying for. I can tell you, when I visited the Rainbow Girls State Assembly meeting a few days ago, I was grateful to attend, I was grateful to see the joy in others and I was hopeful each young lady there would achieve her personal goals.

God bless each of you and God bless the Grand Commandery of Texas.

Richard R. Jernigan
Grand Commander 2022 – 2023