Grand Commander’s Message (June 2022)

Unto God give the glory!

Grand Commander’s Message (June 2022)

Greetings Sir Knights,

May was a great month and a very difficult month. By now everyone is aware of the tragic events that took place in Uvalde, TX. 19 children about age 10 and 2 adults lost their lives at the hands of another child aged 18. Words cannot express the hurt, frustration, anger, sadness and shock the world and our state feel from this horrific loss of innocent life. I have received words of condolence, prayers and offers of assistance from across this country from Knights and Grand Officers. Their desire to do something is innate in human nature and we are extremely grateful to them. While we cannot begin to understand this sort of thing, let us unite in our praise of God for His acceptance of these innocent ones into His Kingdom. For that is the only and the greatest hope for all Christians.

At times like these we often question God. Is this what He wanted? How can this be allowed to happen? These questions are normal during times of extreme grief, again, it is part of our nature as humans. Unfortunately, we simply have no answer other than to trust in God. That is what faith is, trusting in God even when all things seem to be falling apart, when it seems Satan is winning. He is not. I do know for certain; God is saddened at these events. This is not how He wants our lives to be. He wants us to live our lives free of pain and suffering. We fall short of those plans. But we do not give up. We do not allow Satan to take over our thoughts and actions. We question, we pray, we ask why but we always adhere to our faith in God and His son Jesus Christ. God wins.

Alexander C. Garrett became the first Commandery to earn the Grand Commander’s Ritual of Excellence award for the Order of Malta. These Knights did a fabulous job in conferring this Order on four candidates and I was pleased to award them this certificate. Congratulations Alexander C. Garrett, you continue the excellent tradition of your commandery in ritual performance.

Sir Knights, Michael Malone, and Scott Stanton (both of Alexander C Garrett) also became the first Instructors of the Asylum in the history of the Grand Commandery of Texas. These Sir Knights were examined by Eminent Grand Senior Warden, Sir Knight Gary Rock, in the opening and closing ceremony of an Asylum of Knights Templar. You two Sir Knights are to be commended for your dedication and hard work. Knights such as you inspire all of us to be better. Thank you for your high example.

The only remaining York Rite Conference will be held August 6, 2022, in Waco. Make plans to be there and be a part of this exciting time in Templar Masonry.

Have you seen the flyer for the Texas Holy Land Pilgrimage being planned by your Grand Generalissimo, Sir Knight Justin Bauer? Spots for that 2024 trip are filling up fast. Look at our website for Bulletin No. 2 to see the details and get your reservation in early. This may be a once in a lifetime opportunity to walk in the footsteps of Christ with your fellow Knights.

This month I want you to do something a professor of mine called “Point to the Passer.” This professor worked with the University of North Carolina basketball team and coach Dean Smith. We all know when a player scores the crowd applauds, screams, yells etc. for the person scoring. To help build teamwork, whenever someone scored, they would always point to the player that passed them the ball as they ran back down the court. Why can’t we do the same thing? If you accomplish something, point to the people, acknowledge the others that allowed you to receive the “applause.”

This last month I was honored to confer the Order of the Temple on several candidates in various locations. I was fortunate enough to get some compliments on the conferral. Anything I may do in ritualistic masonry is directly related to my teachers. They are the ones that instruct me, encourage me, keep me improving and hold me accountable when I mess up. Let me point out a few of them; Bob Rich, Mel Haygood, Billy Sellers, Steve Wolfe, Sam Reid, John Huffman and now Michael Malone. These are the men that deserve the praise. They took the time to teach me. They ride me when I make mistakes (sometimes in a fun-loving way) and encourage me to do better the next time. Thank you, Sir Knights, for spending the time to make me better and allowing me to receive compliments on your behalf.

God bless each of you and God bless the Grand Commandery of Texas

Richard R. Jernigan

Grand Commander 2022 – 2023