Grand Commander’s Message (May 2022)

Unto God give the glory!

Grand Commander’s Message (May 2022)

2022-2023 Texas Supplement

Greetings Sir Knights,

Wow, what a first few weeks! There are so many good things happening in Commandery it would take all the space we have for the remainder of the year to list. Easter Observances in Dallas, Houston and Arlington, you Sir Knights are making it happen! Spreading the word of the Risen Christ and showing the world just what it means to be a Christian Mason. Knightings are taking place across this state in huge numbers. Our Grand Master of Masons in Texas conferred the Order of the Temple on Good Friday, when have you ever heard of that? Many Commanderies have a list of candidates, so many it is hard to schedule them all. I am hearing from all parts of this state about how many potential Knights they have in waiting. I am scheduled to confer the Order of the Temple in Nacogdoches on Friday, May 13th and then in Lubbock on May 14th. York Rite Conferences are taking place in Tyler, El Paso and San Antonio in the next few weeks. If you haven’t been to one in a few years, you ought to do so this year. The Commandery is taking a much larger role. We are presenting talks on the Latin Rule that governed the ancient Templars, Stones as they appear in Templar Orders, the History of the Greatest Knight of all Time, not to mention the presentation of the new programs in Commandery. Speaking of that, by the time you read this we will likely have our first ever Esoteric Certificate Examination. Things are happening, good things, and it is all due to the diligence, hard work and commitment of you, the Knights Templar of Texas.

There seems to be a resurgence of Christianity not only from within our Masonic Fraternity but in the general population as well. Christ is working within our society; it is our duty to help Him. We are, if you recall, the twelfth disciple. Share your story, share what Christ has done in your life, share what Masonry and Templary specifically has done for you. Don’t know what to tell people? Just tell your story. What brought you to Christ?

What brought you to Freemasonry? What brought you to the Knights Templar? For me, when I was in elementary school, I might have been a bully. Not in the modern sense of the word but I was constantly in fights, doing poorly in school, always in trouble. I had a third-grade teacher, Mrs. Langley. One day she pulled me aside, I was not paying attention in class and talking too much (still have that issue). She asked me why I thought I should act like that? She said she saw so much more in me, that I could do so much more than what I was doing. I was in the lower half of the mathematics classes. She challenged me to catch up and join the advanced class. How she knew to make it a challenge I have no idea, but it was exactly what I needed. Over the next two weeks I did nothing but work on math. I made it. I not only caught up to the advanced class I eventually became, in her words, the go-to guy when math contests were held. Shortly after that I started paying attention in all my classes, and even at Church. That conversation about math opened the door to other important discussions with my mom at home, and with members at my church. I turned my attitude around, accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and become a staple and leader at my church. She made a difference. There is no telling what would have become of me had she not spoken to me about my education and my abilities.

Who in your life needs you to pull them aside and share your story? Who can you help bring to Christ, improve their education, bring into Masonry, bring into Knights Templar? All we must do is talk. Tell a Mason why you joined Commandery. Tell a non-mason why you joined Masonry. Tell someone having trouble that they can do better, that there is a better way in life and that way is through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You can make a difference. You can be someone’s Mrs. Langley. Share your story. Have fun. Enjoy life.

God Bless you and God Bless the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Texas

Richard R. Jernigan

Grand Commander 2022 – 2023