Don Paul Payton was born in Lubbock, Texas on the 15th day of June in 1979. The youngest
son of Jimmy Don and Melissa Payton, he graduated from Coronado High School in Lubbock, and attended South Plains College in Levelland, Texas. He moved to Brock, Texas in 2004 to manage Teskey’s Saddle Shop. It was there that he met Cassie Lewark. They married in December of that year and settled in Brock. Don Paul and Cassie have four sons; Wyatt, Dylan, Jackson, and Thomas. The Paytons are members of the Brock Church of Christ.
Most Excellent Payton is a 6th generation Freemason and can trace his family’s Masonic
heritage back to the American Civil War. After the Civil War, his family immigrated to Texas from Georgia and settled in the Texas Panhandle town of Turkey; what Don Paul famously calls God’s Country. Most Excellent Payton petitioned for the Mysteries and received the Degrees of Freemasonry in Mackenzie Lodge No. 1327, A. F. & A. M., in Lubbock, Texas. He was initiated as an Entered Apprentice Mason on July 20, 2000; passed to the degree of Fellowcraft on August 10, 2000; and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on August 22, 2000. It was quickly discovered that Most Excellent Payton had a passion for the ritual. He credits his mentor, Brother T. J. Jones (Past Master of Mackenzie Lodge) for instilling in him that passion. He earned his first Grand Lodge Esoteric Certificate the year he was raised, and is proud to be among the less than 2% of Texas Masons who currently hold a Class A Certificate. In late 2000, Brother Payton conferred the Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason degrees upon his father in Mackenzie Lodge. Most Excellent Payton served as Worshipful Master of Mackenzie Lodge in 2003 and endowed his membership in 2004. In 2003, while serving as Junior Warden of Mackenzie Lodge, he affiliated as a plural member with Quitaque Lodge No. 1248 (later consolidated with Matador Lodge No. 824).
After getting settled in Brock and with his budding family on a solid foundation, Most Excellent Payton sought out Freemasonry in Parker County. He affiliated with Phoenix Lodge No. 275 in Weatherford in 2006. He held his first office in Phoenix Lodge (Senior Deacon) in 2008 and was awarded the Golden Trowel by his brothers in Phoenix Lodge that same year. He served as Worshipful Master of Phoenix Lodge in 2010. In 2011, Most Excellent Payton had his name added to a new charter, when he served as the Charter Worshipful Master of Fort Worth Stock Show Lodge No. 1460 in Fort Worth, Texas. He is also the Junior Warden of Union Lodge No. 82. He was appointed by Grand Master Walter W. Rogers and served the Grand Lodge of Texas as District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District No. 65 in 2013. His service to the Masons of Texas continued; he served as Grand Junior Deacon in 2015 and Grand Pursuivant in 2018. He was appointed to the Grand Lodge Youth Activities Committee in 2017. He was appointed Grand Representative of France near the Grand Lodge of Texas in 2018. In 2020 he was elected to the Masonic Grand Lodge Library and Museum of Texas Board of Trustees He is an affiliated plural member of Texas Lodge of Research. He has served on several Grand Master’s
Planning Committees for the years of 2020, 2024 and 2026.
Most Excellent Payton was exalted a Royal Arch Mason in Hugh J. McClellan Chapter No. 248, R.A.M. (now Lubbock Chapter No. 248) on May 22, 2003. Upon moving to Brock, he affiliated with Weatherford Chapter No. 105, which consolidated into Ridglea Chapter No. 485. He was a reconstituting-charter member of Springtown Chapter No. 75 (now Goodnight-Loving Chapter No. 75) which reconstituted in Weatherford in 2011. He served as High Priest of Springtown Chapter in 2013, and currently serves the Chapter as the Royal Arch Captain. He affiliated with Texas Chapter No. 362 in Fort Worth in 2018. The Companions of Springtown Chapter awarded Most Excellent Payton with the Cornerstone Award in 2015. He received the Order of the High Priesthood in 2017. He was appointed by Grand High Priest Jackie Matthews and served the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas as District Deputy Grand High Priest of Capitular District No. 18 in 2017 and was appointed to the Grand Chapter of Texas’ Purposes and Policies Committee. In 2021 he was elected and installed into the office of Grand Scribe. In 2022 he was elected and installed into the office of Grand King. In 2023 he was elected and installed into the office of Deputy Grand High Priest. In December 2024 he was elected and installed Most Excellent Grand High Priest of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Texas.
Very Illustrious Payton was greeted a Royal and Select Master in Hugh J. McClellan Council
No. 183, R. S. M. (now Lubbock Council No. 183) on May 22, 2003. Upon moving to Brock, he
affiliated with Weatherford Council No. 64, which consolidated into Ridglea Council No. 400. He was a reconstituting-charter member of Springtown Council No. 47 (now Goodnight-Loving Council No. 47) which reconstituted in Weatherford in 2011. He served as Thrice Illustrious Master of Springtown Council in 2012. The Companions of Springtown Council awarded him with the Cryptic Triangle Award in 2013. He was appointed by Grand Master Timothy M. LaVergne, Sr. and served the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Texas as District Deputy Grand Master of Cryptic District No. 18 in 2013. He was appointed to the Grand Council of Texas’ Committee on Grievances and Appeals in 2013 and served on that committee until 2017. He received the Order of the Silver Trowel in 2017, and the Super Excellent Master Degree in 2019. In 2017, Very Illustrious Payton was elected and installed into the office of Right Illustrious Grand Principal Conductor of the Work. In 2018, he was elected and installed into the office of Right Illustrious Deputy Grand Master. In 2019, he was proud to be elected and installed as the one hundred twenty-first Most Illustrious Grand Master of the Most Illustrious Grand Council of Royal and Select Master of Texas.
Sir Knight Payton was knighted as a Knight Templar in Lubbock Commandery No. 60 on March 3, 2004. Upon moving to Brock, he affiliated with Weatherford Commandery No. 51. He served as Eminent Commander of Weatherford Commandery in 2014. He received the Order of Knight Preceptor in 2017. He was appointed as Grand Representative of Montana near the Grand Commandery of Texas in 2017. He served the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Texas as chairman of the Registration Committee in 2017. He was appointed to the Grievances and Appeals Committee in 2018 and was reappointed 2019. He received the Excalibur Award from Weatherford Commandery No. 51 in 2019. In 2023 he served the Grand Commandery of Texas as a member of the Grand Commander’s Planning team and was an Aide-de-Camp.
His dedicated service to Symbolic, Capitular, Cryptic, and Chivalric York Rite Freemasonry was recognized in 2015 when he was inducted into Texas Priory No. 23, Knights of the York Cross of Honour (KYCH) where is currently serving as Orator.
Most Excellent Payton is a 32nd Degree Knight Commander Of the Court of Honour. He
received the Royal Secret and the degrees of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry in 2007, when he was initiated into Fort Worth Lodge of Perfection, Fort Worth Chapter of Rose Croix, Fort Worth Council of Kadosh and Forth Worth Consistory. He currently is a member of the Waco Valley.
Most Excellent Payton’s admiration for Masonic Ritual has extended from the Craft Lodge into both the York Rite and Scottish Rite. In addition to holding an esoteric certificate from the Grand Lodge of Texas, he has been awarded esoteric certificates from both the Grand Chapter of Texas and the Grand Council of Texas. He is a member of the Texas York Rite Esoteric Association.
Most Excellent Payton is active in various appendant Masonic bodies. He is a member and Past Governor of Trinity York Rite College No. 154 in Fort Worth and is currently serving the college in the office of the Treasurer. In the Masonic and Military Order of the Red Cross of Constantine he is a member and current officer of DeMolay Conclave in Waco. He was knighted into the Commemorative Order of St. Thomas of Acon in Fort Worth Crusader Chapel No. 12 (now Goodnight-Loving Chapel No. 12) and is a founding member and is a past Worth Master of General Sam Houston Chapel No. 32 in Tyler, Texas. Cousin Payton is a member and Past Excellent Chief of Worth’s Shamrock Council No. 54, Knight Masons. In the Allied Masonic Degrees, Brother Payton is a member and Past Sovereign Master of Worth’s Hiram Abif Council No. 342. He wears the fez of Moslah Temple of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine in Fort Worth where he is a member of the Car-Vettes Unit are the current TSA State Champions. Also in Fort Worth, he is a member of General William J. Worth Chapter No. 463, National Sojourners. He is a charter member and presiding Deputy Master Mason VI of Parker County Courthouse Monument Assemblage of the Worshipful Society of Freemasons, Rough Masons, Wallers, Slaters, Paviors, Plaisterers and Bricklayers – The Operatives, in Weatherford, Texas. Worthy Frater Payton is a member of Texas College, Societas Rosicruciana in Civitatibus Foederatis (S.R.I.C.F.). He is the Charter Illustrious Preceptor for Samuel Willis Tucker Lanham Conclave No. 45.
Most Excellent Don Paul Payton is very proud to be a Freemason, and specifically, a York Rite Freemason. He is humbled by the opportunity the Companions of Texas have given him, and is looking forward to a prosperous year as the Most Excellent Grand High Priest of the Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Texas.