Past Grand High Priest Profile

Clifford W. Aleshire

Home Chapter:   Llano No. 197
Year Served:   1986

Companion Clifford W. Aleshire was born on June 19, 1918 at Springfield, Ohio, the son of Leo C. Aleshire and Urcel K. Loumenhouser Aleshire. Both parents are now deceased. He served in the United States Army from February 1937 until December 1946, and again from September 1948 until December 1958 when he retired. He then worked for the United States Air Force as a Civilian Employee at Kelly Air Force Base in San Antonio until June 1970 when he retired from the United States Civil Service.

He married Eula M. “Joy” Schmedt in March 1968, who also retired from the United States Civil Service in June 1970. They make their home at Buchanan Dam, Texas, and have two sons living in Austin, Texas, and one son living in Longview, Texas.


Raised a Master Mason in September 1972 in Llano Lodge No. 242 in Llano, Texas, where he served as Worshipful Master in 1976-1977, and was appointed District Deputy Grand Master of the 49th Masonic District in 1981. He is now a member of Valley Lodge No. 175 in Burnet, Texas.

Exalted to the Sublime Degree of Royal Arch Mason in Llano Chapter No. 197 in March 1973 and served as Most Excellent High Priest in 1974-1975, and District Deputy Grand High Priest of the 27th Capitular District in 1976-1977. He is a dual member of Burnet Royal Arch Chapter No. 453 in Burnet, Texas, where he now serves as Most Excellent High Priest. He holds Lifetime Memberships as well as Endowed Memberships in Burnet Royal Arch Chapter No. 453 and Burnet Council of Royal and Select Masters No. 368. He also holds Lifetime Honorary Memberships in South San Antonio Royal Arch Chapter No. 444 and Blue Bonnet Royal Arch Chapter No. 470 as well as South San Antonio Council R.&S.M. No. 362 and Blue Bonnet Council R.&S.M. No. 409. He was elected a member of the Grand Chapter/Grand Council Committees on Work, serving as Chairman in 1982. He was elected Grand Scribe in December 1982, passed through the Chairs and was elected and installed Most Excellent Grand High Priest in December 1985. He is the Grand Representative of the Grand Chapter of Italy near the Grand Chapter of Texas. He is a member of the Order of High Priesthood and now serves as Marshal of that Order.

Greeted in Llano Council No. 135, R.&S.M. in Llano, Texas in April 1973 and served as Thrice Illustrious Master in 1973-1974. Appointed District Deputy Grand Master of the 27th Cryptic District in 1975-1976. He is a dual member of Burnet Council No. 365, R.&S.M. in Burnet, Texas, where he now serves as Right Illustrious Deputy Master. Received the Super Excellent Masters Degree and the Order of the Silver Trowel in 1973.

Knighted in Llano Commandery No. 54 in Llano, Texas, in 1973, and served as Commander in 1978. He has served as Recorder and as Prelate for several years. He still holds the office of Prelate. He is a Life Sponsor of the Knights Templar Eye Foundation.

He is a Life Member of Texas Priory No. 23, Knights of the York Cross of Honour, a member of Texas York Rite College No. 14 in Waco, Texas, a member of Saint Austin Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine, the York Rite Esoteric Association.

Received the Scottish Rite Degrees in the Valley of Austin in 1974 and has conferred and participated in several of the Scottish Rite Degrees. He is a Noble of Ben Hur Shrine Temple in Austin, Texas, and has served as Deputy Potentate several times.

He was initiated into the Order of the Eastern Star in Llano Chapter No. 216 in 1972 and served as Worthy Patron in 1975-1976. He is now a member of Burnet Chapter No. 425 in Burnet, Texas.

He holds Certificates of Proficiency in the Lodge, Chapter, Council and the Order of the Eastern Star.