Gulf Coast York Rite College No. 106
P O Box 849
Alvin, Texas 77512-0849
January6, 2025
The College is pleased to announcethis year’s Diamond Award recipients who were elected at the September 21,2024, Stated Meeting:
Mrs. Betty Carole Shively and Mrs. BeckyWunsche
This year’s Gold Honor Award recipient:
Aaron Wayne Tyksinski
Please plan to attend the DiamondAward Banquet:
Saturday,March 8, 2025
12:00 pm till 3 pm
Monument Inn Restaurant
4406Independent Parkway South
La Porte,Texas 77571
Pick a selection of the LynchburgDinner Package: (You make your selection at the door)
· Fried Fisherman’s Platter
· Fried Shrimp (12)
· Boiled Tilapia with Pontchartrain Sauce
· Grilled 10 oz. Angus Steak
· Chicken Breast with Sautéed Onions,
Mushrooms and RedWine Sauce
The above dinner package is servedwith tossed green salad, baked potato, homemade rolls & muffins, iced teaand coffee. (Adult beverages are notincluded but can be purchased at the cash bar)
The ticket price is $37 each and includes adessert. Please RSVP as soon aspossible so we can plan the event and reserve your place for the Second AnnualDiamond Award Banquet and Gold Honor Award Presentation! We lookforward to seeing everyone as we honor these very deserving honorees. Thisis a public event. Family and friends are welcome. Please return this form toDon Little, P O Box 849, Alvin, Texas77512-0849. Make check payable to Gulf Coast York Rite College No. 106.
Don Little, Secretary