white_shrine.gif (23961 bytes)International
Order of the
White Shrine
of Jerusalem

fig1.gif (73134 bytes)What is It?
whatis.gif (50797 bytes)

foundation.gif (40488 bytes)

purpose.gif (51504 bytes)

who_join.gif (77876 bytes)
fig4.gif (22176 bytes)
how_join.gif (53916 bytes)

fig2.gif (19836 bytes) benevolence.gif (51175 bytes)
fig3.gif (26967 bytes) initiation.gif (28296 bytes)activities.gif (43760 bytes)

fraternal.gif (29576 bytes)
fig5.gif (26106 bytes)supreme_shrine.gif (55761 bytes)

Thanks go to the Grand Lodge of California

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